Interview with Mike Morrissey (ESAE) and Evelyne Bardyn (Visit Flanders Convention Bureau)
Evelyne Bardyn: "At Visit Flanders, sustainability is a cornerstone of our ambitious future vision "Travel to Tomorrow." The goal is to reinforce the positive power of tourism, and allow the destination to flourish as a qualitative place for visitors, residents and entrepreneurs alike.
Therefore, it is not so surprising that we focus on attracting impactful congresses that value sustainability. We want to help the associations that want to organize these congresses - and the sector in general - to work methodologically from an integral sustainability strategy.
Together with international partners - for example, within the Strategic Alliance of National Convention Bureaus of Europe - we are developing several initiatives. We set up pilot projects and invest in concrete tools and solutions around sustainability. We share best practices with the sector and with associations, helping them to engrain sustainability into their DNA."
For many decades, making a surplus was considered by some associations as taboo, but while we all work for not-for-profits whose goal is not to make a profit, we cannot be allowed to lose money either as we need financial security to be able to plan ahead for the future. Associations need to be creative and inventive, using the opportunities that new technologies offer to their advantage. Additionally, they cannot stay stuck in their traditional revenue streams. The world is changing, and whatever model made sense in the past, doesn’t guarantee that will work in the future."